Born and raised in the suburbs of Los Angeles, DJ 4KO is breaking into the dance music scene as an innovator of modern production and a captivating performer. DJ 4KO’s music and performance is the result of hard work, passion, and a desire to stimulate the world. Having performed in several bands throughout his musical career, he has always sought to emulate the incredible energy found in music that enticed him in the first place. Now, after originating in 2017, DJ 4KO has begun to grow a loyal fan base that and has accumulated thousands of plays across many platforms including Soundcloud, Apple Music, and Spotify.
DJ 4KO’s style, like his story, is unbounded by genre. “I believe in making good music, no matter what style it’s in,” he says. He mixes electronic, hip-hop, and pop to produce a well-rounded musical paradox. His unique style has led to him perform at many venues across California, with audiences ranging from hundreds to thousands of people. However, a DJ 4KO performance could not be considered a mere concert or show; it is a powerful, moving experience. By already having shared the stage with the likes of Cesqeaux, Skellism, Rawtek, GTA, ETC!ETC!, Sak Noel, Fat Joe, Ashanti, Jillionaire, ZooFunktion, Chance the Rapper, Big Sean, and Chris Brown, Don has surely begun to leave a mark in the music industry.