Spotlight: Madame Nikka

Have you ever thought about having entertainers at your event? Perhaps a card reader or belly dancer? If you’ve tossed the idea around, but didn’t check out vendors, don’t worry; we’ll do all the work for you! This week, we’re featuring an amazing tarot and palm reader who also belly dances!Nancie Kay Shuman, who also goes by Mdm Nikka, Tarot and Palm Reader, first began reading tarot cards at the age of 15, but didn’t showcase her talent at events until 1995 when an event planner asked her to share her abilities with some guests. Little did she know that this “yes” would spark her journey in reading cards at events for years to come. Since then, she has read at countless events, with surprising accuracy, throughout Los Angeles.

Although card reading can be a great deal of fun that may offer guidance, assurance, and even the occasional warning to guests, reading is also a bit of hard work. Madame Nikka custom tailors her presentation for each event she is booked for, guaranteeing that no two performances are ever exactly alike.

Madame Nikka’s authenticity really sets her apart from other Tarot readers because she truly is the real deal. She has a Master’s degree in Transpersonal/Spiritual Psychology and a B.A. in Theatre. Her experience with contractual agreements make her a solid boss babe that knows the ins and outs of what is expected and what can be delivered for events. She is also raw and honest in her readings and being, though she never fails to be compassionate and empathetic as well.

Her favorite part of working in the entertainment/event industry is receiving positive responses when she reads cards. The best moment is when Madame Nikka doesn’t ask for the client’s/guest’s question, just reads what the cards tell her, and is told “That is so on!” 

Reading cards has often been called a scam, but that couldn’t be further from reality for Madame Nikka. She says she doesn’t even fully know or understand how she knows what to say. She explains, “The truth is that I read based on what I know, what I know that I don’t know and what I don’t know that I don’t know.” Even though her readings average to about 5 to 7 minutes, Madame Nikka is able to give you a genuine reading of your cards. If your cards hold a darker message, Madame Nikka tries to put a positive twist to it; she knows that the outcomes of the cards aren’t final and that you can always turn a warning into something positive, which is also really good life advice!

For those interested in joining her field, Madame Nikka provides this advice: “Learn how to read the cards! It’s a system and a language, not simply a set of pretty pictures!” To add to your persona, Madame Nikka says that it’s paramount to be genuine with clients. “Develop your own style when reading. Don’t go by a script, be authentic! And network, network, network.”

To really give you a taste of Madame Nikka’s beautiful personality, we asked her which songs motivate/describe her. She said that Big Country’s “In a Big Country” is her sort of good luck song; she knows her day will go smoothly when she hears it. She also named “She’s So High” by Tal Bachman as a nice, feel good tune (we totally agree!).

If you’re interested in finding out more about Madame Nikka or booking her for your event, you can reach her at or check out her website Is your event outside of Los Angeles? Reach out! She just might be able to travel to your event.

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Amber Cavazos

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